Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Evil Treadmill

Last post was dedicated to telling you exactly the nutritional steps that you need to take to lose those unwanted pounds. Just by changing your eating habits you will greatly improve how you feel, how you look, and your overall health. However, when it comes to transforming your mind and body, by only implementing some changes you will get just that - some results. But, don't you want complete results? Don't you want to have every aspect of your life feeling your best and looking your best? In order to do that, you need to implement a sound nutritional plan and an effective exercise program.
Now, as difficult as it is to implement a sound nutritional plan, it is even more difficult to implement an effective workout program and here's why:

People know that eating burger king is bad for you... people know that drinking soda is like drinking cancer... people know that tons of sugar is not good for the body... people know that if it's fried they shouldn't go near it, etc. etc. etc. Thus, what that means is that people know what's bad for them and chose to do it anyway. Nutrition is all about will power! However, when it comes to working out, it's not just that people don't do it, they don't know how too either. And that's why when you go online and you find 10 million different ways to get the same result you have no clue what to do and then, eventually, you get frustrated and give up!

To recap in brief:

Nutrition: People know what to do and don't do it

Exercise: People don't know what to do and don't do it

That's why this blog will offer tips to help give you a clear path on what you should be doing in the gym to lose weight. The truth is that when it comes to working out there are different ways to work out depending on what your fitness goals are. This blog will be dedicated to those who are trying to lose weight while getting toned, defined, lean muscle.

Tip 1: Cardio is overrated

Okay, fine, I don't actually mean that - However, what I do mean is that the cardio you are probably accustomed too is overrated. In other words, what I am trying to say is... GET OFF THE TREADMILL. If you are a healthy being who doesn't have any health restrictions I strongly recommend you go play a sport, do agility drills, perform plyometrics, do sprints outside, do body work out circuits, etc. The reason why I say that is because running on a treadmill only allows you to do just that - run on a treadmill (AKA stay in the same spot while your body does the same thing for the same intensity for the same direction). The reason why you aren't seeing results is because you keep doing the SAME thing. Your body gets used to working at one level of intensity with one type of body movement. By only training in that way, your body will get adapted to this and have no reason to change. That's why I recommend you do different types of activities with high intensities and different movements. Cardiovascular workouts are defined as workouts that get your heart rate to a specific target heart rate zone. Thus, whether that be on a treadmill or playing basketball, those are both forms of cardiovascular work outs. However, with basketball, not only will your intensity be higher, you will have more fun and your body will get a more complete work out! When you enjoy what you do the chances of you doing it again are that much greater!

In short, don't just run on the treadmill everyday - mix it up and keep raising the intensity and keep changing the motions of your body. The higher the intensity, the more calories you will burn. The more you change what you do, the more your body will need to adapt.


I'm sure I won't need to pull the legs of all the guys reading this to lift weights. However, I am sure there are many women (and some men too) that don't like the idea of lifting weights, because they are afraid by that dirty awful lie that states "if you lift weights you will get bulky".

Now, if you are training in ONE particular way and eating in ONE particular way, then yes, you will. But, if you train in a DIFFERENT, particular way you will get tone, lean muscles and not big bulky ones. (stick to full body exercises [squats, lunges, push ups, pull ups, etc.] with a rep. range of 8-15 per set - SEE NOTE AT END OF BLOG)

Here is the truth - MUSCLE BURNS FAT! the more muscle you have, the less need for fat to be on your body - thus, lifting weights will help speed up your metabolism and help burn the fat.


During your work out it is very easy to lose focus - you talk with your friends, watch the big TV, stare at the person next to you, etc. However, the more time you waste the less fat you will burn and here is why: When you keep your rest periods short, and assuming you are working out hard, your heart rate is constantly at a high level. Therefore, when you keep the rest periods short in between your sets, you are in a more fat burning mode as you are continuously keeping your heart rate level up. This means the body is working at a higher level for the majority of your workout. On the contrary, if you take 5 minute breaks in between your sets, you are allowing your heart rate to come back to resting level and your fat burning work out will not be merely as effective. Thus, when trying to lose weight incorporate circuit work outs that will keep your rest periods at a minimum (30 seconds) and watch how week by week your fat percentage just gets lower and lower.


Far to often people work out for 2 weeks and they think that they can just lose 10 lbs easily. When they set their goals unrealistically high they are automatically setting themselves up for failure. So, even when they are making great progress, because they set such a high standard for themselves in such a short time period, they get frustrated and end up giving up! So, stick with it, keep raising the intensity and I promise you you will see the results. Set realistic short term goals for yourself - If you do, then your long term goals will even surprise yourself!


Note: there is to much to say in this blog on what exercises you should do, what load you should be using, how often you should be doing it, etc. A future blog will go in depth on how you should specifically train.

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