Saturday, June 12, 2010

One Size Fits All

Hands down, Take the cake, The creme De la creme, The King/Queen of all fitness myths:

"One size fits all"

Lets see if this reminds you of your situation.

You go the gym.. you're working out and you can't help but notice that there is someone who you just wish you looked like. You are trying hard to concentrate on your workout, but no matter what you do, you just keep looking over at that man or woman wondering what he or she is doing to look like that - Does this sound familiar?

Or if that doesn't remind you of yourself, maybe this will - how many times have you asked someone what you should be doing to get a certain result, and they give you a definitive one way method to make all your fitness dreams come true? okay okay... forgive the corny rhetorical question, but, you'll see where I am going with this.

If you learn nothing else from me, know this: (1) just because it worked for someone else, that doesn't mean it will automatically work for you, and just because it didn't work for someone else, that doesn't mean it won't work for you.

Using myself as an example, I was trying to gain muscle, so I would look up articles from Professional Body Builders (who were jacked up on steroids and god knows what else) to find out how to put on muscle. And they would give valuable information on how to just put on "endless" amounts of muscle. One month went by... no change. 3 months went by... no change. 6 months went by... no change. What is going on here? I am doing EXACTLY what they told me to do, yet, I literally saw no change in my body. Were they lying to me? No, they just weren't actually speaking to me. These guys are giving valuable information for other body builders to put on more muscle, whether they know it or not. What they are not doing is giving ordinary people, like you and me, information for us to put on more muscle. In other words, You cant expect to lift the same way as a professional body builder, and expect the same results - Just because it works for them, doesn't mean it works for us! For their information to be valuable to US, we need to get to the level they are on, then and only then will their information MAYBE pertain to us.

One Size does NOT fit all - and so the next time someone says "you need to train like this" and it doesn't work for you, ask yourself if the information that is being told to you actually applies to you.

This leads me the first piece of advice of my blogging career: When you are looking for someone to give you advice on your fitness goals, the BEST place to start is by asking someone who just accomplished similar goals to that of yourself. For example, if you are a 140Lb guy looking to pack on some muscle, don't go running to the the guy who who weighs 260Lb and is benching 400+ for advice. Instead, go running to the guy who was in your position a month and 1/2 ago and gained 5lbs of muscle. Why? because when do you think the last time that the guy who weighed 260 was in your position? Either a VERY long time ago, or NEVER at all - so how the F*** would he know what you should do?

So, the next time The Hulk in the gym tells you this is what you need to do to get JACKED - just remember that ONE SIZE DOES NOT FIT ALL... unless its a hat :)!


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