Okay, here goes...
It approximately takes a 3500 calorie deficit to lose one lb of fat, thus, if you intake 2000 calories a day and burn 2000 calories a day, and you have body fat percentage of 24% then your body fat % will stay at 24%.
The problem is this: A) people either under estimate or over estimate the amount of calories they intake and B) people either under estimate or over estimate how many calories they burn.
However, if you have been trying to lose the fat for a while, then chances are you under estimating the amount of calories your in taking and over estimating the amount of calories you are burning.
Tip 1: Like mom always said, eat your fruits and veggies! Also, get a good source of lean protien (salmon, chcken breast, tuna, etc) and healthy fats (nuts, avocados, natural peanut butter)
Tip 2: Cut out high fructose corn syrup! Cut out Trans fats (fried food)! Limit your saturated fats (Creamy foods, icecream, etc)! Cut out processed sugars (cake, Tropicana juices, Candy bars, etc)! And if you can't understand more than 2 of the things on the ingredient list then that means you probably shouldn't be putting it into your body. Think about it, why would you want to willingly put something into your body without knowing what it is? The problem is that people trust these food companies so much that when they read "2 servings of fiber in this cereal" in HUGE LETTERING and they just assume that that cereal is good for them. What they don't highlight is that it's also filled with high fructose corn syrup, modified corn starch, corn flour, BHT (preservative) and 9g of sugar per 1/2 a cup (most people eat about 2 cups of cereal per serving, which means that in this case you would be consuming 36g of sugar a serving). All of these ingredients are consistently making you gain excess fat and leading you right down the road to a diabetic lifestyle.
(BTW the cereal i was describing was Special K "low fat" Granola... Are you beginning to listen yet?)
Tip 3: EAT a healthy Breakfast (ex: small egg white veggie omelet, a piece of fruit, and a glass of water) Why? Because if you don't eat breakfast, and you wait until lunch time to eat, you are going to be starving. Because your body hasn't received any fuel for an extended period of time (If you go to bed at 11 and don't eat until 1 pm the next day, then that means you haven't had anything to eat in 14 hours!!!) you are going to feel very hungry and OVER STUFF yourself. Thus, not only will you over eat in that one meal, but, because you are super duper hungry it will be so much more tempting for you to eat whatever it is that you are craving - resulting in you eating that much unhealthier!
Tip 4: Instead of eating 2-3 large meals a day, try to have 4-6 small meals (ex of small meal: plain, non-fat yogurt with banana and blueberries). The reason why this is a good idea to help lose weight is because of two reasons. (1) when you eat more smaller meals a day, you wont feel the need to stuff yourself. So, just because you are having more meals a day, you will be eating allot less calories. (2) When you stuff yourself, your body can only process so much at one time. Thus, when you have one HUGE meal at noon your body begins to process some of that food and then by the time you get to your next meal at 5, your body is still trying to process the excessive amount of food from your last meal. When this happens, the food that you are now consuming will get stored into your body as fat because the body can't keep up with the amount of food that you are in taking. However, on the contrary, if you eat many small meals a day, your body is able to process the food quicker and more efficiently - resulting into your body's metabolism speeding up because your body ( internally) is always working, always processing, always burning the fat!
Tip 5: When you are making food at home use SMALLER plates. If you use a smaller plate, then by virtue of the decrease in the size of the plate, you will automatically decrease the amount of food you can put on the plate!
Tip 6: CHEAT! Yes, i said it! You see, if you are doing all the things that i said above - Eat less, eat healthier, eat more often, cut out the processed sugars, etc. then I GUARANTEE YOU that you will lose the unwanted fat. Thus, for the sake of your sanity, and as a reward to your self, once a week, take one of your meals and have WHATEVER YOU WANT! The reason why this is important, if you truly want to lose the fat, is because, like anything else in the health and fitness industry, everything starts with the mind. If you aren't mentally prepared to change, then you have no chance to physically change. So, go ahead, reward yourself for your hard work! You deserve it!
Note: The next article will discuss how to use exercise (in conjunction with nutrition) to not only help lose the fat, but get a body that you didn't think was possible! Changing your eating habits is BY FAR the most important thing to lose the fat and live a healthier lifestyle, however, exercise will help you burn more calories and in return will help you lose the weight faster, safer, and more efficiently.
Okay, here goes...
It approximately takes a 3500 calorie deficit to lose one lb of fat, thus, if you intake 2000 calories a day and burn 2000 calories a day, and you have body fat percentage of 24% then your body fat % will stay at 24%.
The problem is this: A) people either under estimate or over estimate the amount of calories they intake and B) people either under estimate or over estimate how many calories they burn.
However, if you have been trying to lose the fat for a while, then chances are you under estimating the amount of calories your in taking and over estimating the amount of calories you are burning.
Tip 1: Like mom always said, eat your fruits and veggies! Also, get a good source of lean protien (salmon, chcken breast, tuna, etc) and healthy fats (nuts, avocados, natural peanut butter)
Tip 2: Cut out high fructose corn syrup! Cut out Trans fats (fried food)! Limit your saturated fats (Creamy foods, icecream, etc)! Cut out processed sugars (cake, Tropicana juices, Candy bars, etc)! And if you can't understand more than 2 of the things on the ingredient list then that means you probably shouldn't be putting it into your body. Think about it, why would you want to willingly put something into your body without knowing what it is? The problem is that people trust these food companies so much that when they read "2 servings of fiber in this cereal" in HUGE LETTERING and they just assume that that cereal is good for them. What they don't highlight is that it's also filled with high fructose corn syrup, modified corn starch, corn flour, BHT (preservative) and 9g of sugar per 1/2 a cup (most people eat about 2 cups of cereal per serving, which means that in this case you would be consuming 36g of sugar a serving). All of these ingredients are consistently making you gain excess fat and leading you right down the road to a diabetic lifestyle.
(BTW the cereal i was describing was Special K "low fat" Granola... Are you beginning to listen yet?)
Tip 3: EAT a healthy Breakfast (ex: small egg white veggie omelet, a piece of fruit, and a glass of water) Why? Because if you don't eat breakfast, and you wait until lunch time to eat, you are going to be starving. Because your body hasn't received any fuel for an extended period of time (If you go to bed at 11 and don't eat until 1 pm the next day, then that means you haven't had anything to eat in 14 hours!!!) you are going to feel very hungry and OVER STUFF yourself. Thus, not only will you over eat in that one meal, but, because you are super duper hungry it will be so much more tempting for you to eat whatever it is that you are craving - resulting in you eating that much unhealthier!
Tip 4: Instead of eating 2-3 large meals a day, try to have 4-6 small meals (ex of small meal: plain, non-fat yogurt with banana and blueberries). The reason why this is a good idea to help lose weight is because of two reasons. (1) when you eat more smaller meals a day, you wont feel the need to stuff yourself. So, just because you are having more meals a day, you will be eating allot less calories. (2) When you stuff yourself, your body can only process so much at one time. Thus, when you have one HUGE meal at noon your body begins to process some of that food and then by the time you get to your next meal at 5, your body is still trying to process the excessive amount of food from your last meal. When this happens, the food that you are now consuming will get stored into your body as fat because the body can't keep up with the amount of food that you are in taking. However, on the contrary, if you eat many small meals a day, your body is able to process the food quicker and more efficiently - resulting into your body's metabolism speeding up because your body ( internally) is always working, always processing, always burning the fat!
Tip 5: When you are making food at home use SMALLER plates. If you use a smaller plate, then by virtue of the decrease in the size of the plate, you will automatically decrease the amount of food you can put on the plate!
Tip 6: CHEAT! Yes, i said it! You see, if you are doing all the things that i said above - Eat less, eat healthier, eat more often, cut out the processed sugars, etc. then I GUARANTEE YOU that you will lose the unwanted fat. Thus, for the sake of your sanity, and as a reward to your self, once a week, take one of your meals and have WHATEVER YOU WANT! The reason why this is important, if you truly want to lose the fat, is because, like anything else in the health and fitness industry, everything starts with the mind. If you aren't mentally prepared to change, then you have no chance to physically change. So, go ahead, reward yourself for your hard work! You deserve it!
Note: The next article will discuss how to use exercise (in conjunction with nutrition) to not only help lose the fat, but get a body that you didn't think was possible! Changing your eating habits is BY FAR the most important thing to lose the fat and live a healthier lifestyle, however, exercise will help you burn more calories and in return will help you lose the weight faster, safer, and more efficiently.
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