To put on lean muscle mass: Intensity! Progression! Change!
The reason why our bodies have the ability to gain muscle is not because our bodies know that we have to press, squat, and lift - it's because our bodies are trying to protect ourselves from the stress that the load is putting on our muscles. In response to the stress (overtime) our muscles need to grow to be able to adequately protect ourselves from heavier weights, more sets, more reps, etc. What does this all mean? When we lift weights, our muscles break down, we nourish them, then they grow back bigger to be able to protect our bodies in the future. Now this is why intensity, progression, and change is the key to getting bigger, leaner muscles. Once our muscles have grown due to the previous stress that you put on them, we now need to add more stress than we did before - if we don't, then OUR MUSCLES WILL HAVE NO REASON TO GROW ANYMORE. Just because our minds like the way a ripped body looks, that doesn't mean our bodies gives a s*** :) - That is why we need our mind to force our body to do so!
Intensity: Every time you go to the gym you need to have the mind set of a warrior - you vs. the gym. The only way to beat the gym is through your intensity!!! Push yourself and make sure you just OWNED that session. If your mind isn't 120% focused and filled with intensity to be able to push yourself harder and harder every time you are in the gym, you are wasting your time. So, if you are one of those people that go to the gym and spend half of your time socializing with others, then, well, that's all dandy, just don't complain that you aren't seeing results! Stay focused, and let that inner warrior come out.
Progression: Every time you enter the gym, you need to BEAT your last session. whether it be one more set, one more rep, heavier weight, more intensity, more focus, etc. Remember your muscles wont grow if you don't give them reason too. Thus, if you aren't consistently applying more stress to the body, your body will have no reason to change. This doesn't mean that you should be adding 10 lbs to your bench every session, it just means that over time you should be progressing as much as you can. If you aren't able to progress over an adequate time period, then you might be over training, not getting proper nutrition, or not getting enough sleep. However, if you are going into each work out with the right path and right mind frame then progression is the key to putting on lean muscle mass!
Change: Have you ever noticed when you start working out you see a significant change the first few weeks and then all of a sudden the results stop coming? The reason why this is, is that people workout the SAME WAY ALL THE TIME. I have one question - why? Remember, the body wont change unless you give it reason too. Thus, if I only do bench press for 6 months straight, my body (if it could talk) would literally say "IDIOT - I ALREADY KNOW HOW TO DO THIS, DO SOMETHING ELSE". This is why changing up your routine is vital for the progression that you want to see! You see, our bodies are made up of different muscle fibers which allow for our muscles to grow. Because our muscles are made up of different fibers, different exercises (and variations of those exercises) hit different muscle fibers. Therefore, if I only do flat barbell bench press for my chest, only one type of fiber is getting used. However, if I am doing Incline Dumbbell Bench press, Low cable cross overs, and diamond push ups, i will be hitting a wider ranger of muscle fibers for my chest. The more muscle fibers being stressed, the more the body will grow! So the next time you are in the gym, mix it up! If you do, You will drastically increase the chances of seeing more results than you have ever seen before!
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